Disclaimer: My rating uses ranges from 0 to 100. A rating of 20 is decent, a rating of 25 or higher is good. So don't panic if you see very low numbers, my rating method is just very broad and focuses on the high end of the spectrum
I rate video games based on my personal taste, and I mainly take into account the gameplay, not so much the artwork, sound, or story. Don't take the rating too seriously. Depth of game mechanics, replayability, competitiveness, are the characteristics that I mainly take into account. Generally, for a game to have a rating over 30 it would have to be competitive, and it will only have a better rating if it is also well designed in its details.
I will only list games that I think are good enough. I will also only consider games based on gameplay, ignoring games like Visual Novels. I will also ignore games that might disappear soon, as I am trying to share culture that will always be available.